Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Election...The Election....The Election

Here we go America with the election , starting off with Republicans mudslinging on one another makes its so easy this fall with the Republican nominee most likely to be now Mitt Romney goes against President Obama . Newt Gingrich has went against the Republican vow, not to criticize their fellow Republican. But here in January 2012 the plot thickens as Republican candidates start to turn on one another . The South Carolina primary may be the last stand for candidates such as Huntsman, Perry, however with super pacs having millions to back their candidates is highly unlikely for any candidate to drop out any time soon.
I find it amazing in how the rhetoric gets off base while the candidates fight trying to find out the true conservative is also what cuts they will make to the US infrastructure if elected. Definitely they vow to repeal Obamacare, cut back on the big 3 , Medicare, medicaid, and social security. South Carolina with a high unemployment rate ,average income is 33,000 a year. How ironic all of the candidates are millionaires trying to get low income people votes.
So the drumbeat goes on for the "Im like you" , "I've been there before", "Im better than Obama".....So are you ready?  


  1. uuuggggghhhhh, wake me when it's over...

  2. lol, I totally agree, but we have to stay tuned in, we have come to far

  3. I also find this hilarious but anything not to vote for the black man. It's crazy that people will go against their own self interest. However, all our branches of government are bought now anyway. Sometimes the truth hurts when you really think about it.
